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Top 20 Renal Infiltrates

A Navigation Guide for Top20Renal Infiltrates.com

How do kidney stones form?, VIP Urology (7:00)

An excellent animation detailing how crystal formation occurs and wedges in the urinary system. It also talks about why some are prone to forming kidney stones while others may never form stones.

Kidney Stones: Symptoms, Prevention and Relief, Duke Medicine (47:00)

A more detailed lecture on how kidney stones form, what the risk factors are, the symptoms of kidney stones, treatment/management options, imaging and prevention plans.

Top 20 Kidney Stones


Hydronephrosis, National Kidney Foundation

This short reading clearly and easily explains how hydronephrosis occurs, how it is diagnosed and how it is treated. It will take about 15 minutes to get through this reading.

Guide to Hydronephrosis, PatientEducationHELP (2:59)

This video is very concise and goes straight to the point. The topics covered include: what is hydronephrosis, causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, treatments and management.